SOFA Chicago 2015


PRESS RELEASE: SOFA Chicago 2015, Nov  5 - Nov  8, 2015

SOFA Chicago 2015
Nov 5 – Nov 8, 2015

Diehl Gallery will be exhibiting at SOFA Chicago 2015, featuring work by: Gwynn Murrill, Kate Hunt, Heather Jansch, and Caprice Pierucci.

We will present life sized bronzes by internationally celebrated sculptor Gwynn Murrill. Gwynn's work looks at the abstract forms inherent in the animal body, and through her signature contemporary patinas, she brings the beauty of simple line to the viewer's attention.

Kate Hunt has become renowned for her use of materials in her art. Primarily working with newspaper, she adds twine, steel, and epoxy to create a stronger substance than that with which she started.

Heather Jansch is internationally known for her life-size sculptures of horses made out of driftwood, bronze, and occasionally cork. Jansch finds inspiration in the detailed drawings of Leonardo da Vinci, and like him, she has always had a fascination with horses.  She infuses each of her pieces with a languid fluidity that echoes the musculature of her subject and encapsulates the horses’ innate power and strength.

Subtle, flowing forms are the hallmark of Caprice Pierucci's elegant wood sculptures. The smooth curving lines of her work belie the patience and strength required to make them.

We look forward to seeing you in Chicago!